Summit brazil renewables
lowest cost, most sustainable gallon of ethanol in the world.
In 2014, Summit Brazil Renewables I, LLC, partnered with a local company to construct a 60 million gallon corn ethanol production plant. The company now operates as FS and has expanded the first plant in Lucas do Rio Verde to 140 million gallons per year of capacity. The company built additional plants in Sorriso and Primavera do Leste and continues to be on the forefront of modern ethanol production in Brazil. The plants are located in the key corn producing regions of Brazil that enables FS Bioenergia to utilize low-cost feedstocks while electricity generated onsite from biomass reduces the company’s carbon footprint.
FS - Fueling sustainability
annualized operating metrics as of summer 2023
Our Partners
Summit’s South American partners include Tapajos, one of Brazil’s largest and most respected grain traders, and ICM, Inc., a corn ethanol plant engineering firm with 102 facilities in its North American building portfolio.